Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What is the most recent way of preventing waxy deposition on pipeline from waxy crude oil?

The waxy deposition in question are paraffin and asphaltene.What is the most recent way of preventing waxy deposition on pipeline from waxy crude oil?
This may not be recent, but one technique is to insulate the pipeline and transport the material hot. This will reduce but not eliminate deposition of waxes.

Also, it would commonly be necessary to run cleaning pigs through the line on a regular basis.

Need the name of company that makes an instrument that measures velocity of Oil in a flow line or pipeline.?

I have a process flow line of crude oil with gas entrained where I suspect that I am experiencing gas breakout of the oil and limiting the volume that I can send through tube and shell heat exchangers. I believe that if I could measure the velocity of the oil and gas through a 12-inch flow line, I could determine if I have gas breakout. I can change production variables ahead of this issue and limit or eliminate the gas breakout. Instrument has to be portable for use in the field and the simipler the better for use by field operators.Need the name of company that makes an instrument that measures velocity of Oil in a flow line or pipeline.?
what you need is a flowmeter. search that on google for more informationNeed the name of company that makes an instrument that measures velocity of Oil in a flow line or pipeline.?

When Palin asks people to pray for the oil companies to build a pipeline, is that blasphemous? Christians only?

Not at all.When Palin asks people to pray for the oil companies to build a pipeline, is that blasphemous? Christians only?
I'm a Christian. I'm a Democrat. I'm pro-life, anti- gay marriage, anti stem cell research and anti- givign illegal aliens anmesty. I'm voting for Obama. Palin asking people to pray for a pipeline is something she should have kept personal. That should she be praying about. And God hears all prayers but He gives the ability to think and act on our own so we don't need to pray for things we can handle on our own. For example, I don't need to pray and ask God to feed me. I just need to use my own ability to pick up a spoon and feed myself. This makes me question her judgement.When Palin asks people to pray for the oil companies to build a pipeline, is that blasphemous? Christians only?
You can pray for anything you want, but it is an old saying';God helps them that helps themselves';. If she made that statement, which I haven't seen,or heard, I don't believe she means to actually pray to your god, but to ';Hope'; that the companies are wise enough to build one.It is more profitable to sent the oil overseas,re route it to another country, then charge the US a higher price.Look at the Alaska pipeline put in years ago. That government shipped it to Japan instead of the US.
Oh geez (to some of the answers).

No it is not blasphemous to ask God to give something that may (or may not) bring financial prosperity to a community. In fact, GOD wants us to ask for things, whether it is material or not, as money is a provision as we don't barter anymore (at least not in the industrialized countries).

However God has the full power to either let it happen or to never let it happen...
Anyone who is a true follower of Jesus--not a ';Christian'; as they sometime define themselves--would be embarrassed to pray for any material goods or wealth or possessions. Prayer should be to ask God for strength, for wisdom, for good health, etc.--not for a Cadillac or a pipeline.
No it's not. She did not take the name of God in vain. She prayed that God's will be done.

Obama's prayer inserted into the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem was along the same lines of asking for God's will to be done:


Protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins and help me guard against pride and despair.

Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just.

And make me an instrument of your will.';

I'm a Christian Democrat and she can pray for whatever she wants. But true Christians don't pray for materialistic things. You pray to God to protect your family, friends or you pray for God to give you the strength to make it through this year...not to build a pipeline...

It is even more blasphemous to have imprecatory prayer for McCain to win election and die so Palin would become a president.
No, it isn't blasphemous. People pray to God for all sorts of things. God says we may ask anything of Him.

He doesn't say He will give it to us.
Goodness No...! We should all pray that the Democrats lead by Pelosi and Reed come to their senses and stop blocking worthy efforts to bring more energy to Americans.
Blasphemous? It is exactly what God WANTS you to do.... pray without ceasing to your Father God always.

Take everything to the throne of grace through Jesus Christ our Lord...
Praying TO the oil companies would be heresy.

Praying FOR them is just a very nice thing to do.
Only a secular zealot would ask that question. Christians can pray for anything
The word sorcery traces back to trying to influence god for personal gain. She was spell casting.
it is. in the end it will make money so she is really praying for Money.. that is blasphemous.
Her relationship with God is her business, not mine.
Why would GOD care about oil companies? This shows that Palin

thinks that GOD is listening to her.
Pray to God for whatever you want.
Ask and you shall receive.
I have a prayer bathrobe.
Is it wrong to pray for rain for the farmers?
I think she meant prey.
Sorry, that question is above my 'pray' grade.
any one can pray.don't muslims have prayer rugs
Who am I to judge her for what she asks God? That question is above my pay grade.

Are the Taliban evil because they are holding up production of the Oil Pipeline?

http://www.lewrockwell.com/rockwell/warf鈥?/a>Are the Taliban evil because they are holding up production of the Oil Pipeline?
Yeah,,,,,that is one reason

How are pipeline losses calculated during extraction of oil from oil-wells?

Hmm. If they are calculated, it's probably a rough, simple, and conservative calculation. Oilwells are not run as scientifically as you might think...a lot of times it's 'Try pumping harder' rather than 'Let me try and calculate this again'.

How many years has Big Oil been funding Wars in Afghanistan & Pakistan just to get that Russian Pipeline?

Is there really that much Oil in the Steps of Russia.

Does it justify 30 years of War.How many years has Big Oil been funding Wars in Afghanistan %26amp; Pakistan just to get that Russian Pipeline?
Look at what we are doing in Iraq. a reason will be foundHow many years has Big Oil been funding Wars in Afghanistan %26amp; Pakistan just to get that Russian Pipeline?
Don't forget Georgia just because the Liberty Foundation sorted them out quietly. It's still the same thing.

And the Iraq war? Trace the two money trails.

1) Iraq was pricing oil in euros and selling it to France. The U.S. funds its massive debt through U.S. $-based oil reserves. Oil priced in any other currency means that the loan gets called in.

2) Before the 2003 takeover, it was estimated that China would overtake the U.S. in industrial capacity within five years. After Shock and Awe, it was fifteen.

You can do the maths.
Another day, another oil company fleeing the country. No, this isn't Ecuador, the banana republic that just defaulted on its debt after chasing out investors. It's the United States, and what we're seeing is self-defense.

Much political hay has been made in Congress about ';unpatriotic'; corporations that move operations abroad. Weatherford International is the latest, taking its headquarters from Houston to Switzerland. The oil services company said that it wants to be closer to its markets. But what it really meant was that it no longer saw the future in the U.S.

In a political atmosphere of blaming corporations, it's no wonder. Halliburton fled to Dubai in 2007. Tyco International, Foster Wheeler and Transocean International all went to Switzerland. As a pattern emerges, America's global standing diminishes, in part because it's based on the willingness of companies to invest. It's an especially bad sign when domestic companies flee.

';The U.S. is an important market,'; Weatherford CEO Bernard J. Duroc-Danner told the Houston Chronicle Thursday. But, ';it's just a market. It's not the primary market.';

How does that sound for a loss of global leadership? If that's not clear enough, try this: ';In the hierarchical pecking order, (Houston's) not going to be Rome anymore.';

What accounts for this vote of no confidence in the U.S.?

Start with the demonization of oil companies. Executives have been hauled before Congressional star chambers, held up to abuse and ridicule, and then blamed for high oil prices as if they wanted to kill their markets. Rising global demand, nationalizations and Congress' failure to open the country to drilling go ignored.

Huge companies such as Exxon Mobil, whose market cap exceeds the GDP of most countries, create $100 billion in earnings in quarters when oil prices soar. It looks high, but over the years, the industry's average returns, at 9%, are less than other industries.

Nevertheless, Exxon's profits are evidence of its success at extracting oil from miles below the earth's surface, even underwater, and from unbelievably hostile environments, such as the Arctic. Instead of being objects of national pride for their productivity and efficiency, and subjects of heroic Hollywood movies, their success is considered to be dishonest.

Congressional hostility affects oil companies' operations abroad, too: Exxon, remember, noted that Congress' animus toward oil profits directly encouraged Hugo Chavez's uncompensated expropriations of $1 billion of Exxon's assets in Venezuela, which drove oil prices higher.

With an expanded Democratic Congress and an incoming Democratic president determined to create ';patriot corporations,'; it's no surprise to see companies try to get out while they can. Make no mistake 鈥?it's investment fleeing the country. As this goes, foreign capital could flee next.

Congress' abuse sets the political tone for the worst to come.

First, oil companies, like all corporations, endure the second-highest taxation in the developed world (39.25% of their income), which dampens their competitiveness. The 2007 OECD average is 27.6% and falling. Worse still, U.S. firms are taxed on operations around the world, unlike the global standard, making a move of headquarters a defensive move.

Meanwhile, politicians openly say they want to hike taxes on oil firms. President-elect Obama seems to have backed off, but questions remain as to whether he can stand up to a rapacious and economically ignorant Congress that hasn't.

Second, Big Labor is feeling its oats, swaggering confidently with newfound political power. United Steelworkers approved a ';national oil bargaining policy'; for higher wages and beefed up its ';strike defense fund,'; both of which point to plans to squeeze oil companies, if not launch strikes.

';You have to prepare your membership for 2009,'; according to USW International Vice President Gary Beevers on a union Web site. ';The oil companies are ready for us; we have to be ready for them.'; With Congress at their back, oil companies are unlikely to lose.

None of this portends well for the U.S. business environment. That's why top-performing firms, such as Weatherford, are exiting. Until Congress learns to appreciate and value oil firms, this will continue, leading to less U.S. investment and influence as more competitive climes beckon.
Why would oil companies want an oil pipeline to Russia? I would suspect that they like things just the way they are to KEEP an oil line to Russia. That way they can charge outrageous prices for shipping, along with their already overpriced product.
Hamid Karzai, former prominent oil industry advisor, is currently the puppet President of Afghanistan to get a pipeline built.
So every conflict in the world is because of the evil oil companies? Here's my own conspiracy theory: liberals are nut bars.
I'm guessing 30 years.
  • lips
  • Where does the oil go that we get from the alaskan pipeline? is it all exported?

    i know it accounts for about 25% of our oil production, but that does not mean we, as americans get it. my understanding is that it is almost 100% for export. is this true?Where does the oil go that we get from the alaskan pipeline? is it all exported?
    Virtually all of the oil from TAPS goes into refineries is Washington and California, where it is converted into gasoline, diesel fuel, etc., and then sold, almost exclusively, in West Coast locations.

    More information on the Alaska Pipeline can be found in the links below.Where does the oil go that we get from the alaskan pipeline? is it all exported?
    We use it all. We can't spare any.
    Obviously the oil goes to a refinery of some sort first...
    We are a net importer of oil. The part that is refined to gas/diesel/jet fuel, we keep and use. Some of it, however, becomes plastics, which does get exported (as packaging and products).

    So, yes and no.

    How can you become a pipeline engineer? Or a risk engineer that deals with oil or gas?

    i am going to do a foundation year in engineering this year,

    and i will have to pick a specific type of engineering for the 3 years after my foundation year, however i will most likely not be able to do chemical engineering, would civil engineering or mechanical engineering be the best route to take? or are there any other suggestions? thanks in advanceHow can you become a pipeline engineer? Or a risk engineer that deals with oil or gas?
    The most important thing is that you build a good set of skills whichever direction you take. That way you will be the most employable or have an easier in graduate school. It is a mistake to get too narrowly focused on a particular job. It is much better to be open-minded about opportunities that will come your way at the end of your undergraduate education. So, if you like dirt, become an civil engineer. If you like grease, become a mechanical engineer.How can you become a pipeline engineer? Or a risk engineer that deals with oil or gas?
    Pipeline engineering and petroleum engineering are very limiting. As to ';risk'; engineer, I am not sure what that is.

    Chemical, mechanical, civil and electrial engineering are much more flexible choices. Any of these can work in oil and gas as well as pipeline engineering.

    I have a degree in mechanilcal engineering and worked for 35 years in all aspects of the oil and gas engineering including much that was really the realm of chemical, civil and electrical engineers.
    almost all pipeline engineers (piping engineers) are chemical or mechanical. There are a lot of stress and strain calcs that have to be done, and supports to be designed. You don't say where you are located. I haven't heard of US schools requiring that a student pick his major/program after the 1st year, and never deviate. The first 2 years are very similar (some difference in the non-engineering classes, such as different physics course, or more chemistry). If you can't do chem, then go with mechanical. Civil tends to have less of the applicable training for piping engineers.

    In the US, the school matters nothing, as long as it's accredited, except for the employers that tend to come to campus to recruit the last year.
    Petroleum Engineering is specific to the oil and gas industry, and can help you get a better job there, but is not so flexible outside of it.

    Civil Engineers are more likely to get work in the construction industry, which is far more stable (ie: more loyalty, less chance of getting laid off), though the salaries are lower.

    Mechanical works well in both fields, and is more general. I have worked in both the construction and oil and gas industries with my B.S.M.E.

    Almost more important than the degree is the college you get it at. Do not worry so much about rankings, as they are scored by such things as test scores and job placement. What is important is how companies in the industry you want to work for view the college.

    How long until the completion of the trans world pipeline that will bring the war for oil, crude to America?

    It is time to start piping the black gold to the US since ';everyone'; knows the war is just about the oil The Beverly Hillbillies would be jealous!How long until the completion of the trans world pipeline that will bring the war for oil, crude to America?
    When you are thro with Bill, right Jim? Please ....dont talk with your mouth full. OOOOOOO.......THATS' gotta hurt!!!How long until the completion of the trans world pipeline that will bring the war for oil, crude to America?
    Well technically you're wrong, they'd refine most of it overseas too and then bring us the refined product via tanker.

    But your larger point is correct, this war for oil thing argument is stupid.

    Though, looking at the price tag, I kind of wish it WERE a war for oil....
    You seem to be not familiar with Modern times.Maybe it worked like that long ago but this are different times.The Western oil companies don't need a trans world pipeline.

    The United States has asked Israel to check the possibility of pumping oil from Iraq to the oil refineries in Haifa. The request came in a telegram a month ago from a senior Pentagon official to a top Foreign Ministry official in Jerusalem.

    Despite the ethnic bloodshed in Iraq, majorities of Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds are united in their disapproval of the proposed oil laws that Washington and Big Oil are pushing.

    If passed, the Bush administration's long-sought ';hydrocarbons framework'; law would give Big Oil access to Iraq's vast energy reserves on the most advantageous terms and with virtually no regulation. Meanwhile, a parallel law carving up the country鈥檚 oil revenues threatens to set off a fresh wave of conflict in the shell-shocked country.
    The only ';pipeline'; the conservatives are gonna get is in the mens room!

    Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk
    I have no Idea, however, as an ol' Metrologist / Q.C. Instrumentation Calibrations Technician - Inspector, with 30 years experience, I WOULD LOVE TO WORK ON SUCH A JOB !!!!

    Such a ';dream'; could provide about 50,000 to 100,000 more jobs in the high paying ';Oil Patch';, BUT that quanity of job openings could not be filled, since the leftys are so adamant about not wanting anything to do with obtaining more oil for their gas / diesel / jet fuel guzzling transportation.

    toro gringo

    Where is the Oil from the the Alaska pipeline used, here or abroad?

    I don't knoew how true it is but someone told me that it was all being shipped to Japan because it had to much sulfur for the U.S. to use.Where is the Oil from the the Alaska pipeline used, here or abroad?
    What I got is that it is refined in the lower 48 states, If they sale it is up to the company to whom.Where is the Oil from the the Alaska pipeline used, here or abroad?
    The oil from the Alaska Pipeline fuels most of the Northwestern States. None of it leaves the country. I get my information from family and friends who work at the Alyeska Pipeline Terminal in Valdez. Report Abuse

    So Georgia didn't think Russia would defend Ossetia if Georgia attacked it to get the oil pipeline?

    What was Georgia expecting? For Russia just to sit and watch the Zionist take over the Caspian Basin oil line?So Georgia didn't think Russia would defend Ossetia if Georgia attacked it to get the oil pipeline?
    You should brush up on your geography before you ask questions like this.So Georgia didn't think Russia would defend Ossetia if Georgia attacked it to get the oil pipeline?
    Georgia was becoming a CIA satellite state . Russia needed a direct land route to Iran to support it when the US attacks it . The oil pipe line was a added benefit . Also to let the world know it is no paper tiger .
    Russia has no right whatsoever to be in, or occupy any part of a neighbouring country. And why do you try to draw the Jews into the problem? Of such statements religious hatred grows.
    It was just a tiny little error of intelligence. The really important thing to understand is, their president is not to blame.
    Georgia expected to blitz through Osetia, while everyone is confused, and destroy the Rok tunnel connecting Osetia and Russia. There are impassable mountains there...
    Russia protects its citizens and soldiers of peacemaking contingent. Georgia achieves genocide of ossetic people! Russia showed peace that it will give the rebuff to any, who will allow itself not to respect it!!!
    Ossetia is part of Georgia genius.
    No Bush to keep his word!
    Well according to Bush, Yes!

    Picture of oil pipeline corrosion?

    British Petroleum oil leak in Prudhoe Bay feeder line.Picture of oil pipeline corrosion?
    Here is one picture. It really doesn't look like anything other than a rusty pipe.

  • lips
  • Does God want an oil and gas pipeline?

    Does human life matter or are McCain and Palin nuttier than a pecan pie?Does God want an oil and gas pipeline?
    Republicans think God is on their side and therefore can invade countries, destroy the environment, destroy the economy, etc. And they don't realize they become exactly what they criticize: religious fundamental extremists. For the sake of this country, the world, and to help save the environment, vote for Obama.Does God want an oil and gas pipeline?
    Lol, I have to way in on this. For all religious believers ( I am one also), for the love of everything that is good, stop making reference to his name, you are desecrating his name, and using it in vane. If you truly believe you would not take into consideration any statements made using his name, unless in the bible.
    ask bush, god speaks to him

    ';god told me to invade!';

    Because God wants America to prosper

    Who profits from the Oil pumped out of Iraq in the Oil Pipeline being built?

    http://www.lewrockwell.com/rockwell/warf鈥?/a>Who profits from the Oil pumped out of Iraq in the Oil Pipeline being built?
    Iraq does. That is why the country has a surplus. Meanwhile, we have put billions into their economy while we are trillions in debt. Go figure.Who profits from the Oil pumped out of Iraq in the Oil Pipeline being built?
    Iraqis get the oil profits. They need them to pay for their own security forces.

    In theory Iraq. In reality who knows.
    i know france had a sweet deal with iraq when saddam was in charge.
    exon mobile , bp and other oil companies
    Osama Bin Laden
    The oil companies. Oh man remember Bush's lie that the oil would pay for the rebuilding of Iraq?

    Is the only REBUILDING going on in IRAQ HALIBURTONS & CARLYLES OIL PIPELINE to the Indian Ocean?

    yes for the most part it is the reason we stole the country to get control of the french and German Pipeline and theres a lot of profit if they can keep it thats why we will never leave until they strip out the oil,,...and old dude PS during world war two the rubber plantations in vietnam were important and so after the war the french tried to hold it when they failed to we went in and tried to control it rubber oil farmland we steal big an old dudeIs the only REBUILDING going on in IRAQ HALIBURTONS %26amp; CARLYLES OIL PIPELINE to the Indian Ocean?
    I agree with you Orlando57Is the only REBUILDING going on in IRAQ HALIBURTONS %26amp; CARLYLES OIL PIPELINE to the Indian Ocean?
    I see you've been there
    StephenVest for President '08!

    Stop the NEO_CONs! Vote for StephenVest in 2008, with Hitler_is_bush as VP candidate. Together, they can solve all problems by blogging from the oval office!




    kbs coatings

    So what will happen with Georgia (the country) and that good old oil pipeline?


    How many mini wars can we fight with the Russian mobsters?So what will happen with Georgia (the country) and that good old oil pipeline?
    Go in another direction.

    Plant fast growth algae farms out in the deserts if we wanted to, kelp farms are also a great idea because of the rapid rate of plant growth and actually create gasoline - cleaner too.So what will happen with Georgia (the country) and that good old oil pipeline?
    If they're anything in real life like those dudes in Eastern Promises, I think we'll lose...

    Building a pipeline above ground to transport Canada's oil and mineral resources?

    A) creates barriers to the migration of Arctic animals.

    B) causes acid rain.

    C) disrupts the permafrost of the fragile environment.

    D) permanently damages the natural vegetation.

    Thanks in advance!Building a pipeline above ground to transport Canada's oil and mineral resources?
    That sounds like a question from a program of politically biased social engineering, not from a program of education. Meeting the conflicting needs of human society and environmental preservation is not simple. Simplistic answers are a harmful distortion.Building a pipeline above ground to transport Canada's oil and mineral resources?
    The ';best answer'; does not ';answer'; the question at ALL. Report Abuse

    Study the design, construction, operation, and performance of the Alaskan pipeline.
  • lips
  • Who gave Unocol the right to build the Oil Pipeline in the Middle East?

    http://www.lewrockwell.com/rockwell/warf鈥?/a>Who gave Unocol the right to build the Oil Pipeline in the Middle East?
    Why can't you just accept the propaganda and believe it's all about freedom and 9/11?

    Seriously, you thinkers need to love it or leave it!

    But really, yes. This is why the war occured. As of yet, no one has seemed to publicly want to argue that Saudi Arabia was more at fault than Afghanistan for 9/11.

    That we have propped up and supported brutal regimes time and time again is no secret anymore.

    What sickens me, though-is how many will defend this reason that is stated in the article-whereas they denied it origionally. No matter how horrid the truth is-they'll defend it rather than be caught in a mistake.Who gave Unocol the right to build the Oil Pipeline in the Middle East?
    The countries that are being paid to let it run through their territory..

    tricky huh?

    How does Sarah Palin know that God's plan involves building an oil pipeline? ?

    ';God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that,'; she said.

    http://www.startribune.com/politics/2783鈥?/a>How does Sarah Palin know that God's plan involves building an oil pipeline? ?
    Can anyone prove that it's not?How does Sarah Palin know that God's plan involves building an oil pipeline? ?
    that is her belief system.

    Have you had diversity training?

    You certainly need it.

    Your question shows a shocking lack of inability to accept that others have a different philosophy from yours.

    Hers is one held by a majority of Americans and most people around the world of many of the great faiths and many minor ones.

    You should learn about this to understand your own culture and the rest of the world.
    Didn't she tell you? God whispers in her ear and she talks to God just like GWB talks to God and the little green color God talks back to her and him. That God is called MONEY in the form of lobbyist kickbacks and ear marks for Alaska.
    God talks to me daily, he comes in the form of a big black johnson and spews forth his wisdom and truth. He then lends me his hanky. At least I'm purty sure it's god.
    Don't blame Sarah. ';Duyba'; was coaching her for Charlie Gibbs interview! Lieberman went out for a cigarette!
    Ask Pat Robertson who speaks to god all the time and til's him how to invest all the million's he mad with hard work not the money that was supposedly giving to him to give the needy
    Because she is right about everything and Obama is wrong,,,:o)
    God is the exclusive property of the GOP, Faux news and Rupert Murdock!
    because any thinking being would be for it

    thats why only dems oppose it
    pray for this, baby
    How do you glean that idea from that quote?
    she has an in.

    What are the current or latest technologies implemented in pipeline of oil and gas industry?

    I don't know what answer you are expecting because there really isn't any latest technologies regarding this that I can find... The simple truth is that the oil and gas industry uses big *** pipes to transfer the product....

    Nuff said...?

    Speaking of pork, where is the money to build that Alaskan oil pipeline coming from?

    maybe governor Palin can tell us where she gets her pork.Speaking of pork, where is the money to build that Alaskan oil pipeline coming from?
    the USA built the pipeline, but the oil goes into tankers and is shipped out of the USA

    Speaking of pork, where is the money to build that Alaskan oil pipeline coming from?
    That's a GOOD thing. Giving money to unproductive members of society is a BAD thing.
    Palin shot wolves and hogs from her private helicopter and sold them at a profit, I just love this woman and she can make a great wolf burger too
    It comes from cutting ';pork'; from stuff we don't need and redistributing money for the pipeline.
    So, you are saying we don't need American oil? You must be from the Middle East.

    Don't forget to vote on Nov 5th!
    From pork and Sarah palin prostitution money :D hahahaha
    from congress and the senate bills.
    Don't worry, Sarah will take care of all of the details, dontcha know.
    from pork

    The Dems' Oil Pipeline in Alaska did NOT Bring Down Oil Prices. Why was that Good but Drilling now is Bad?

    Why was is good when the Dem Congress approved an oil pipeline to the North Slope of Alaska ? That didn't bring down prices. But, Pelosi swears drilling in ANWR and OCS is not a good idea for the same reason. Odd?The Dems' Oil Pipeline in Alaska did NOT Bring Down Oil Prices. Why was that Good but Drilling now is Bad?
    Nancy Pelosi doesn't want drilling because she has invested heavily in wind turbine power. To allow drilling would hurt her own pocketbook.The Dems' Oil Pipeline in Alaska did NOT Bring Down Oil Prices. Why was that Good but Drilling now is Bad?
    Do you have *any* data, sources to support your assertions?

    By the way, the former CIA Director, James Woolsey, calls the Alaska pipeline the ';world's largest 'kick me' sign for terrorists';. It's impossible to protect. Shell Oil has said ANWR is a bad investment, and they're not clamoring to drill the OCS, maybe you should listen to their expertise.

    McCain is the one taking all of the Big Oil money -- ExxonMcCain '08!
    come on dude these are the dumbest most retarded people that you and I have ever seen in our lifetime. think about all the things that congress has done for this oil problem.

    - Lets invest in ethanol fuels. Result= price of corn rose 155% and created world hunger. how much corn do we have to grow to have enough fuel to provide the whole country? a lot.

    - instead of search for ALL ways to get out of this foreing oil dependency, we should only consentrate on the ways the liberals want which are going to take a very long time to be able to research, find an implement into the every day life of all americans.
    Yea the PNAC was against it before they were for it. Damn republicans just can not make up their minds now can they.
    awww, youre joshin us again~!
  • lips
  • Deal made last week for Mexican oil, this week pipelines bombed. Truck explodes in Mexico. Is Al-Queda here?

    No, all of Al Qaeda is in Iraq fighting the main front in the war on terror (sarcasm)Deal made last week for Mexican oil, this week pipelines bombed. Truck explodes in Mexico. Is Al-Queda here?
    No.Deal made last week for Mexican oil, this week pipelines bombed. Truck explodes in Mexico. Is Al-Queda here?
    Any American who thinks Al-Quaida is not here (or at least some terrorists by any name) is sticking their head in the sand. The terrorists are fighting a FATWA or Holy War. Because of that, time is all they have. Ultimately their goal is to kill all Infidels (any and all people who are not embracing Islam). They will never be a peaceful people, get used to it!
    Yes. the Mexican/Muslims attacking the Mexican Infidels.
    No they are not here. It was a Mexican terror group. The question should be do you understand now why we should closed borders. Also are you aware george bush signed a bill last week letting Mexico Truck drivers to drive here now. Anywhere anytime.Maybe the deal should have about security and not oil. Seems like that has cost the US a lot of money and lives.
    That's right, Al Qaeda is really just Arabic for Cobra, Osama is really some guy named Destro and and we don't really have the Marine Corps or NATO or anything, we just call GI Joe and have the ';Joe's'; kick Cobra's butt...

    Yes, Al-Queda is here, but Mr. Bin Ladin's group is a group of extremist tacticians and fanatics mixed in with a bunch of ideologically inspired religious extremists, currently morbidly pre-occupied with having us remove ourselves from the ';Ummah'; or ';greater Islamic world';, they're here, they're just hiding.

    There are also these OTHER bad guys who maybe are just disposessed , disenfranchized farmers , or indigineous Mayans or perhaps just a couple of ex miners or oil workers who know their way around explosives, or some ';fill in the blank'; oppressed native people in the jungle who are tired of multi-national companies throwing piplines up wherever it seems cool.

    I think it would be very much in everybody's interest if the multinationals learn to be really really nice towards the local populations while we use their natural resources for them.
    The fastest growing religion in Mexico is Islam . So the odds are good that Al-Queda and a whole lot of other terrorists are in Mexico.
    Why do v foolishly blame al queda or osma for everything that happens in the world.

    Where i can find china oil pipeline map?

    A map and lots more usefull info available here:

    http://www.chinapage.com/transportation/鈥?/a>Where i can find china oil pipeline map?
    from china oil compony

    What percentage of the oil from the Alaska Pipeline goes to the US for consumption?

    I've been told the the majority of the oil from the pipeline goes to east Asia.What percentage of the oil from the Alaska Pipeline goes to the US for consumption?
    What is so crude (pardon the pun) is that oil and big business are manipulating and controlling the people of the world.

    Our Alaskan oil is bound to West Coast refineries -- West Coast refineries are presently glutted with oil, they cannot store anymore -- consumption is down in the West and people do not want to pay such high prices for oil produced on their own soil.

    The law dictates Alaskan oil will be for US consumption - however it does not stipulate at WHAT PRICE. There's the rub. If Americans refuse to buy it - then it is sold to the highest bidder!

    So, where does Alaskan oil head? Our ';world market'; oil goes where it's designated purchaser determines -- probably SE Asia or some other pacific rim nation at the moment -- and that will include anything that might possibly come from ANWR too. Americans WILL NOT reap from it!!

    - 86 to 87 million barrels of oil produced daily world-wide.

    - 85 million barrels of oil consumed daily world-wide.

    - Such a tight supply in an unstable world drives up speculators' prices -- for one hit to the supply could cause havoc.

    We don't like what's going on and the prices we all endure -- and receive only 15% of the production. We're idiots just standing by and watching it happen while Big Oil is playing us for all its worth.What percentage of the oil from the Alaska Pipeline goes to the US for consumption?
    I really wish only people who know the correct answer would post in this forum. I live in Alaska - long time.

    By US Congressional law - ALL Alaskan oil can only be sold to the USA. Oil from Alaska travels down the pipeline to Valdez where 100% of it is shipped to either Seattle or Los Angeles. That is why when you hear talk of the price of Alaskan crude - it is quoted 'for delivery to Los Angeles';

    This is your answer.
    I really wish people that live in Alaska would know more about the oil in their own back yard.

    The BP oil is pumped through the BP pipe and loaded on BP tankers and shipped to the highest bidder.

    The US Government does not buy Alaskan Crude. Actually the US buys it's oil from Halliburton.
    Correct, mostly to Japan.
    Hummmmm, Interesting!
    0%. Sick, huh?

    How much of the crude oil from the alaskan pipeline is purchased by domestic companies?

    How much of the oil is sold to foreign countries?How much of the crude oil from the alaskan pipeline is purchased by domestic companies?
    I heard at one time, that it was all going to japan.

    I've also read lindsey williams book '; the non oil crisis '; states that there is enough oil and natural gas in alaska to sustain the usa for 200 years and beyond, the reason we don't use alaskan oil ? OPEC is under agreement to buy back american debt under an agreement by the nixon administration, and this was orchastrated by the Worldbank and IMF in 70's, and we wonder why our economy is in ruin ? this is the reason, they wanted america to be dependent on outside resources to keep us in check, now we know who the true government is...... the worldbank.

    Did Dick Cheney shoot the oil pipeline in Minnesota?

    Greed has no endDid Dick Cheney shoot the oil pipeline in Minnesota?
    Dick Cheney only shoots things while drunk, although since the oil pipeline was a non-moving target, it would be right up his alley.Did Dick Cheney shoot the oil pipeline in Minnesota?
    Yes, but he was aiming at Alaska!
    ? Why exactly would this be indicative of greed?

    I fail to see your point.

    A better example of greed would have been him putting his finger in the hole to prevent any of the black gold from going to waste.

    @ Additional:

    I hate to break it to you, but whenever they blame higher prices on things like this it is a lie. The gasoline you buy at the pump was purchased by the station 6 months before you pump it (called ';Energy Futures';, the same thing that Enron dealt in) which was purchased by the distribution/refinery from the towlies approximately a year before that. The price you are paying at the pump today was determined 18 months ago.

    How to find a best routes for oil and gas pipeline.?

    It depends on where you are doing this but in general there are several tools that are helpful in starting a tentative route.

    One is a topographical map so you can identify elevation changes, hills, valleys, mountains, rivers, swamps etc.

    Another is a set of recent aerial photos. These can help identify structures, other pipelines, electric transmission lines, and other man made objects. Things like forrest land, farmer's fields and similar things will show up on most photos.

    Finally, you really want to avoid having to go across a lot of small sections of land owned by a lot of different people. It is better to deal with large land owners if possible. Land owned by companies is also a plus in many cases. They tend to be more objective about pipelines than private owners. Plats that show land ownership are helpful in this area.

    Of course you want to minimize the cost of the pipeline, this means it is a iterative process as you develop the route. You can start with a straight line route and then adjust to eliminate costly obstacles.How to find a best routes for oil and gas pipeline.?
    Flat open land. :D and no terrorists nearby.How to find a best routes for oil and gas pipeline.?
    your goal is to minimize the cost of the pipeline. And you simply need to minimize the cost of materials, the cost of the land or easements; the cost of pumping, and the cost of installation. It may be cheaper to run a longer line than tunnell through rock or try to cross a lake....you'll end up with 6~10 different options for routing the pipe line and you need to come up with the cheapest cost taking everything into account.
  • lips
  • Does anyone know why the US has not shown interest in the Siberian oil pipeline?

    The only governments that I heard are interested in this oil pipeline deal are China and Japan. Why has the United States not shown interest in taping the Eastern Siberian oil fields so the we can be less dependent on the middle eastern oil?Does anyone know why the US has not shown interest in the Siberian oil pipeline?
    The principal factor behind the interest of middle eastern oil over siberian is money. The US hasn't functioned for the rights and freedoms of individuals since the 70's. Today it's purpose is to increase the profitability of american businesses overseas. Basically, we have the middleeastern rulers addicted to spending money. They get into debt-we help them out-they allow us to operate in the reigon unpreturbed, and of course record profits. This is why Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt stay out of affairs involving US. (plus we have access to bases and intel). This helps the US establish puppet governments that the fundamentalists are so upset over. However, when fundamentalists take over a country-it's usually not for the better. Countries that are not profitable for american businessmen associated with the White House don't get any recognition.

    For example:

    Rwanda, Uganda, Sudan, Chad

    (Some say Somalia was a mistake-nothing was accomplished)

    Chechnya, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia

    India develops nuclear weapons-US doesn't objectDoes anyone know why the US has not shown interest in the Siberian oil pipeline?
    Isn't Siberia still in the Russian sphere of influence?
    We are to obsessed with screwing up Alaska....
    I would have to assume ExxonMobile has an interest in every pipeline project in the world.
    Well as far as I'm concerned, the US has no chance of getting near Russian oil, while Vladimir Putin is still in power. The Cold War may be over, but that doesn't mean that old habits don't die hard...
    Hey idiot Russia and China are neighbors you think they would allow a pipe line connection to Alaska willingly!Or do think we should invade Russia next?
    The what?

    ^ That's why.

    Why are oil and natural gas pipelines made with as few sharp turns as possible ????? plzz help me (:?

    Why are oil and natural gas pipelines made with as few sharp turns as possible ????? plzz help me (: .. THANKSWhy are oil and natural gas pipelines made with as few sharp turns as possible ????? plzz help me (:?
    The other reason is to permit the running of scrapers (or pigs) through the pipelines to clean them and/or monitor their condition.

    Pigs are also used to separate difference products when they are sent through pipelines.

    Without smooth turns this can not be done.Why are oil and natural gas pipelines made with as few sharp turns as possible ????? plzz help me (:?
    You lose a rather large amount of pressure in a sharp turn compared to a gradual turn. It costs more to pump the fluid through that type of bend.

    When will the oil pipeline through Afghanistan be built?

    Speaking as someone who works for a major oil company, I can tell you that nobody is going to spend the billions of dollars it would take to build such a pipeline with the situation in Afghanistan as unstable as it is. There are definitely plans to do so, contrary to Kashan's assertion (in fact that was one of the first things negotiated with the Karzai government) but it's not going to happen any time soon.When will the oil pipeline through Afghanistan be built?
    There are no plans to build a pipeline there.Initially some parties showed interest in it but the plans were shelved in view of the fighting and civil war conditions in Afghanistan.When will the oil pipeline through Afghanistan be built?
    When Pakistan freezes over... :)
    it wont to much bitching between countrys

    Why doesn't an international oil pipeline not explode when you turn it off?

    Aren't these things not like 500 km long freight trains of fluid?Why doesn't an international oil pipeline not explode when you turn it off?
    Who says they don't?

    Yes, it is a problem shutting down the substainial flow then can amount to a lot of energy that has to be dissapated.

    Typically, the pumps are slowed down gradually letting the friction of the flow disipate the energy.

    A central dispatcher orders the pumpstations to slow down until the flow is halted.

    Particularly dangerous are down hill segments where static head pressure can sometimes exceed operating pressures.

    I've heard, some of the ';terrorist attacks'; on Iraqi pipelines are called that to avoid admitting to operating errors which caused ruptures and/or explosions.Why doesn't an international oil pipeline not explode when you turn it off?
    There would have to be a spark, explosion, or something else to set the fuel off. Your car doesn't explode when you shut it off, nor does a tanker truck full of jet fuel filling up a plane. Both of these are just scaled down versions of a pipeline. Additionally, fuel and oil are not explosive, nor flammable in their pure state. In fact, you can extinguish a match in jet fuel under the proper conditions. The reason, unless there is a proper fuel/air mixture there can be no combustion, as combustion of a petrochemical requires oxygen. After all, an explosion is just a chemical reaction with the ignition source (i.e. flame) acting as the energy source and catalyst for the chemical reaction.
    because they don't

    Direct transatlantic oil pipeline from the Middle East to America?

    is it true? or just a rumor...it would seem to make more sense out of the ambitions of the Iraq occupation.Direct transatlantic oil pipeline from the Middle East to America?
    A transatlantic oil pipeline would be extremely expensive. It would also be way to vulnerable to quakes, etc.

    It is easier and cheaper to just move oil in tankers.

    So question=rumor.Direct transatlantic oil pipeline from the Middle East to America?
    Hah, that's a cracker. Nope, it's a rumour. There's one very important reason. The shortest distance from the Middle East to America is via the Atlantic Ocean. And down the centre of the Atlantic runs the Mid Atlantic Ridge. It is highly active volcanically, and it's making the distance between America and Europe wider by several centimetres each year.

    Oh, and it would be ridiculously expensive too.

    Plenty of big oil tankers leaving the Northern Gulf for America though.
    Such a long undersea pipeline could never be financially feasible. If this sort of thing were ever a real possibility they would have more than likely tried to build it before now.

    Well, we ARE in Iraq because of oil -should I say, BushCo is.

    We will never see the day. It's a rumor. In fact, oil is about to get so high that non of us will even be able to drive to work.

    -That's their plan!

    Theories go unproven.

    I'm a conspiracy truthist.

    Deal made last week for Mexican oil, this week pipelines bombed. Truck explodes in Mexico. Is Al-Queda here?

    No, all of Al Qaeda is in Iraq fighting the main front in the war on terror (sarcasm)Deal made last week for Mexican oil, this week pipelines bombed. Truck explodes in Mexico. Is Al-Queda here?
    No.Deal made last week for Mexican oil, this week pipelines bombed. Truck explodes in Mexico. Is Al-Queda here?
    Any American who thinks Al-Quaida is not here (or at least some terrorists by any name) is sticking their head in the sand. The terrorists are fighting a FATWA or Holy War. Because of that, time is all they have. Ultimately their goal is to kill all Infidels (any and all people who are not embracing Islam). They will never be a peaceful people, get used to it!
    Yes. the Mexican/Muslims attacking the Mexican Infidels.
    No they are not here. It was a Mexican terror group. The question should be do you understand now why we should closed borders. Also are you aware george bush signed a bill last week letting Mexico Truck drivers to drive here now. Anywhere anytime.Maybe the deal should have about security and not oil. Seems like that has cost the US a lot of money and lives.
    That's right, Al Qaeda is really just Arabic for Cobra, Osama is really some guy named Destro and and we don't really have the Marine Corps or NATO or anything, we just call GI Joe and have the ';Joe's'; kick Cobra's butt...

    Yes, Al-Queda is here, but Mr. Bin Ladin's group is a group of extremist tacticians and fanatics mixed in with a bunch of ideologically inspired religious extremists, currently morbidly pre-occupied with having us remove ourselves from the ';Ummah'; or ';greater Islamic world';, they're here, they're just hiding.

    There are also these OTHER bad guys who maybe are just disposessed , disenfranchized farmers , or indigineous Mayans or perhaps just a couple of ex miners or oil workers who know their way around explosives, or some ';fill in the blank'; oppressed native people in the jungle who are tired of multi-national companies throwing piplines up wherever it seems cool.

    I think it would be very much in everybody's interest if the multinationals learn to be really really nice towards the local populations while we use their natural resources for them.
    The fastest growing religion in Mexico is Islam . So the odds are good that Al-Queda and a whole lot of other terrorists are in Mexico.
    Why do v foolishly blame al queda or osma for everything that happens in the world.
  • lips
  • Why doesn't an international oil pipeline not explode when you turn it off?

    Aren't these things not like 500 km long freight trains of fluid?Why doesn't an international oil pipeline not explode when you turn it off?
    Who says they don't?

    Yes, it is a problem shutting down the substainial flow then can amount to a lot of energy that has to be dissapated.

    Typically, the pumps are slowed down gradually letting the friction of the flow disipate the energy.

    A central dispatcher orders the pumpstations to slow down until the flow is halted.

    Particularly dangerous are down hill segments where static head pressure can sometimes exceed operating pressures.

    I've heard, some of the ';terrorist attacks'; on Iraqi pipelines are called that to avoid admitting to operating errors which caused ruptures and/or explosions.Why doesn't an international oil pipeline not explode when you turn it off?
    There would have to be a spark, explosion, or something else to set the fuel off. Your car doesn't explode when you shut it off, nor does a tanker truck full of jet fuel filling up a plane. Both of these are just scaled down versions of a pipeline. Additionally, fuel and oil are not explosive, nor flammable in their pure state. In fact, you can extinguish a match in jet fuel under the proper conditions. The reason, unless there is a proper fuel/air mixture there can be no combustion, as combustion of a petrochemical requires oxygen. After all, an explosion is just a chemical reaction with the ignition source (i.e. flame) acting as the energy source and catalyst for the chemical reaction.
    because they don't

    Friday, December 18, 2009

    What is the best way for a college student to get a summer job in Alaska? Specifically oil pipeline jobs.?

    Im just looking for a way to get a pipeline job for the summer to help pay for college. i hear they pay really well.What is the best way for a college student to get a summer job in Alaska? Specifically oil pipeline jobs.?
    Oil and pipeline jobs are NOT summer jobs.

    What is this question doing under ';Health Care';?

    I am trying to get a job on the oil pipeline?

    I have heard there are labor jobs that pay $100,000 to $200,000 just for labor jobs in canada? Do the companies supply housing and or food? Also how much would you actually bring home in american after being there six or seven months? thank yaI am trying to get a job on the oil pipeline?
    Alberta has the pipelines. Lots of jobs however cost of living high.

    Have you seen the value of the Canadian Loonie lately?I am trying to get a job on the oil pipeline?
    Unless you have any oil field related abilities you won't be making that much money, probably half (if that). You would start at the bottom (rig hand) but if you don't show signs of becoming a great employee, you won't move from that position for a long time.

    Most companies will have a camp set up for oil rig employees. It's nothing more than shared quarters (bunk beds) and most meals are provided. Your there anywhere from three to six months depending on where you go and it is far away from anything (your pretty well isolated).

    I suggest you do some research on what exactly your looking for (job wise) and where you want to be situated at and with who (company). Be prepared to spend most days outside in the bitter cold and long hours with little time off.

    Also note that the oil has slowed down in much of Alberta (last few months). Your best to look at Saskatchewan for now.
    If you are willing to live in a camp, then you can make quite a bit of money. I am guessing that you could clear 15-20 grand in 6 months because in the camps, everything is taken care of.

    But it's a rough environment ... the guys are tough, and the working conditions are tough. If you are willing to tough it out, you can probably do well in camp.

    If you do have some skills, like a trade or ability to drive heavy equipment, you have a better chance at a better job.

    Here is a link:


    Here is a question from YA that was asked a while ago, that was similiar.


    EDIT: Fort McMurray is where most of the jobs are in the oilfield right now, all of Alberta is crying for workers. The only problem is that the cost of living has gone up so much, too.
    yea, if u r really a hard working person, u shd apply for it.

    If Russia sabotages the oil pipeline that runs through Georgia, where will Britain get its oil from

    The oil pipeline belongs to Russia and they are not likely to sabotage it as it earns Russia badly needed foreign currency. Oil from the Falklands (if there is enough there to justify the expense of drilling for it) is several years awayIf Russia sabotages the oil pipeline that runs through Georgia, where will Britain get its oil from
    Britain has plenty of oil for it's own needs but worldwide supplies will become scarcer.

    The end result is that prices will skyrocket.

    However oil that is not sold is no good to the Russians either, they depend on it for their own revenue and without it Russia resumes being a poor backward country again.If Russia sabotages the oil pipeline that runs through Georgia, where will Britain get its oil from
    The Arab countries, which is why we have to keep them sweet despite their appalling culture and human rights record.

    Of more concern is the gas supply we import from Russia. They've got us over a barrel on that one.
    apparantly we have loads off shore in northsea but no our government dont think thats too easy as they wont make as much money on the taxes etc etc........
    The north sea.Iraq Saudi arabia Kuwait.
    Other Importers of oil...

    At a subtantial Cost....
    Aye and watch the straits of Hormuz Yea, it's start diggin
    Olive trees
    James Browns Hair.
    at a very very high price from the middle east or other such countries

    How many Billions will Blackwater get in a no-bid contract to ';protect'; the oil pipelines in Georgia?

    We obviously don't have the troops to send, so it only makes sense that BushCo will award a no-bid contract to Blackwater to take over security in our ally Georgia. How many billions will the US taxpayer be forced to borrow from China to protect that vital-to-US-interests pipeline from the ';imminent mushroom cloud threat'; of Russia's invasion?

    And as a follow-up, after the dust settles, how many billions will Halliburton receive in no-bid contracts to re-build the infrastructure, before we can declare ';mission accomplished';?How many Billions will Blackwater get in a no-bid contract to ';protect'; the oil pipelines in Georgia?
    Hmmm...how many billions do the Chinese have left that they can lend us???

    There goes our great-great grandchildren's futures....How many Billions will Blackwater get in a no-bid contract to ';protect'; the oil pipelines in Georgia?
    I think it is more likely they will be needed in Iran.

    Because this georgia problem was most likely started by usa - being we armed and trained, and gave georgia permission to invade ossetia - to get a war going wih russia, who is closely tied to iran.

    All we needed was to send in us military so some could be captured or killed (thats what naturally happens in a warzone), so we could give permission to Israel to strike Iran with those new planes we gave them. (sold them in exchange for money we gave them)
    That assumes the Russians plan to leave. That I don't count on.
  • lips
  • Can you really drive through an oil pipeline that is being constructed like in The World Is Not Enough?

    Depends on what you are driving. Most pipelines are less than 48'; in diameter.Can you really drive through an oil pipeline that is being constructed like in The World Is Not Enough?
    Look up ';pigging'; or ';pipeline pigs';. For efficient material flow, pipelines are smooth and continuous between entrance and exit points. Inspection and maintenance is performed using ';pigs'; which travel through the pipeline. As to people traveling in these pipelines, I can only speculate that it's possible but unbelievably risky, but technically it ought to work fine singe the ';pigs'; do indeed travel from point to point. The inside of most pipelines is highly toxic because of the products they carry, but an under construction pipeline wouldn't have this exact situation. The pigs I've looked up are all propelled by the normal flow of product, but a ';self propelled'; units could certainly be built. The pipe ';vehicle'; in The World Is Not Enough was meant to look like a pipeline pig, but I've never seem one with room for a person.

    Practical: probably not

    Possible: definitelyCan you really drive through an oil pipeline that is being constructed like in The World Is Not Enough?
    Absolutely. Modern Oil Pipelines are made of radiolucent plastic allowing x-rays to pass through them. This limits the coefficient of radiographic friction allowing cars made of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene to drive through them with startling speed.
    Can. But James Bond must used respiratory-aid apparatus, because oxygen quantity are very low, especially in the long run pipeline.

    I want to know how crude oil and gas pipelines are constructed on land, seasonal swamp and swamp terrains?

    Pipelines that convey crude oil or gas from one locationI want to know how crude oil and gas pipelines are constructed on land, seasonal swamp and swamp terrains?

    Some pretty pictures, perhaps a start in answering this question

    I heard a rumor today at work that the Alaskan oil pipeline has collapsed. Is this true?

    Has anyone heard anything similar, or are people just trying to stir up trouble. If it is true, do you have a source?I heard a rumor today at work that the Alaskan oil pipeline has collapsed. Is this true?
    BP is shutting down one of the largest oil fields in the united states (Prudhoe Bay) because of corrosion and leaking found in the pipeline. This will reduce our supply of domestic crude oil, drive prices higher and make us even more dependent on foreign sources. This may force the government to release some of our nation's crude oil reserve to keep oil prices from skyrocketing to ridiculous amounts (which will happen anyways).I heard a rumor today at work that the Alaskan oil pipeline has collapsed. Is this true?
    Get ready for 5 bucks a gallon gas.
    Click the link below, I hope this is useful :)
    yes b.p.

    which affects chevron and exon so gas will soar .
    No, not true...it has been closed because of a leak...it's all over the news, what does that mean to you and me? Much higher prices of goods and services beginning with gas.
    Yes, this is true, I got the following information from Reuters. For the full article refer to the source.

    ';ANCHORAGE/NEW YORK, Aug 7 (Reuters) - BP Plc (BP.L: Quote, Profile, Research) is shutting down its giant Alaska Prudhoe Bay oil field due to a damaged pipeline and fears of wider corrosion, slashing West Coast supplies and prompting the U.S. government to consider releasing emergency stockpiles as prices jump.';
    One of BPs lines had a leak so they had to shut it down
    This may not mean ';literal collapse';, but the problem with BP closing in Alaska could mean our country could weaken even more. Eight percent of our oil comes from Alaska this could be detrimental to our gas prices, food and employment. Now if the conflict in the middle east does not right itself, we as American will suffer economically. Think about how much of our oil comes from the middle east. Save your money everyone.......this isn't over yet.
    There was some corrosion so it was shut down..of course, 2.5% of the oil supply is affected which means 20% increase in oil prices.

    screw the little guy.

    please...screw the little guy.

    How many Billions will Blackwater get in a no-bid contract to ';protect'; the oil pipelines in Georgia?

    We obviously don't have the troops to send, so it only makes sense that BushCo will award a no-bid contract to Blackwater to take over security in our ally Georgia. How many billions will the US taxpayer be forced to borrow from China to protect that vital-to-US-interests pipeline from the ';imminent mushroom cloud threat'; of Russia's invasion?

    And as a follow-up, after the dust settles, how many billions will Halliburton receive in no-bid contracts to re-build the infrastructure, before we can declare ';mission accomplished';?How many Billions will Blackwater get in a no-bid contract to ';protect'; the oil pipelines in Georgia?
    Hmmm...how many billions do the Chinese have left that they can lend us???

    There goes our great-great grandchildren's futures....How many Billions will Blackwater get in a no-bid contract to ';protect'; the oil pipelines in Georgia?
    I think it is more likely they will be needed in Iran.

    Because this georgia problem was most likely started by usa - being we armed and trained, and gave georgia permission to invade ossetia - to get a war going wih russia, who is closely tied to iran.

    All we needed was to send in us military so some could be captured or killed (thats what naturally happens in a warzone), so we could give permission to Israel to strike Iran with those new planes we gave them. (sold them in exchange for money we gave them)
    That assumes the Russians plan to leave. That I don't count on.

    Anyone know that since building oil pipeline in the 70's in AK, it has actually helped the caribou thrive?

    Since then the caribou, and other wildlife has thrived and multiplied, because they love the warmth of the pipe. They get up close to it and enjoy it. So, why all this fuss about preserving the tiniest fraction of Alaska to construct pipeline to protect the wildlife?Anyone know that since building oil pipeline in the 70's in AK, it has actually helped the caribou thrive?
    There shouldn't be that much conflict. But I think that fact that there IS, keeps those who will forge ahead with drilling and exploration cognoscente of the environment and the care they should take. Drilling can be done without damaging the surrounding and wildlife.Anyone know that since building oil pipeline in the 70's in AK, it has actually helped the caribou thrive?
    Actually, Ant t, is there really that much conflict?

    The Pipeline has electronic ';pigs'; running through every branch every 20 minutes to monitor conditions all along its length. That's why spills have been relatively minor, even though the Pipeline is so big.

    And, there are many crossing points for the animals all along the Pipeline.

    Will the Oil Pipeline through Afghanistan ever be built?

    Having secured (temporarily) the stolen oil in Iraq, is the ultimate plan a failure because those dastardly Afghans won't let us build the pipeline to convey the oil?Will the Oil Pipeline through Afghanistan ever be built?
    The Afghanis are more resolute than the Iraqis and will defend their resources until the bitter end. Bush's wars have brought disgrace to the USAWill the Oil Pipeline through Afghanistan ever be built?
    Why would you build a pipeline from Iraq to Afghanistan?

    The pipeline your referring to coming is the natural gas reserves in all the ';stan'; states to the north of Afghanistan. Even though it would be much easier to build the pipeline thru Iran.

    ONCE again ';politics'; gets in the way of trade, enterprise and wealth.

    We never have gone into a country to steal their natural resources!

    So forget about it!
  • wet eyeshadow
  • So what will happen between Russia and Georgia with that oil pipeline?

    Will it cause WW3 or end in a compromising whimper?So what will happen between Russia and Georgia with that oil pipeline?
    Those damn Rednecks would never allow it....oops, wrong country.

    Is an oil pipeline a Simplex system, a half duplex system, a full duplex system or none of the above?

    Is an oil pipeline a Simplex system, a half duplex system, a full duplex system or none of the above?Is an oil pipeline a Simplex system, a half duplex system, a full duplex system or none of the above?
    An oil pipeline is a simplex system. It does not have the capacity to transmit in two directions.Is an oil pipeline a Simplex system, a half duplex system, a full duplex system or none of the above?
    It depends if it is equipped with a depolarizing flux capacitor. The difference in the ferrous materials can determine the voltage conductivity between the terminal threads.

    How do I tell Venezuala that God told me we need to put an oil pipeline there too?

    Do they speak in tongues or just that spanish-stuff?How do I tell Venezuala that God told me we need to put an oil pipeline there too?
    Try telling them that you are on a mission from god. If that doesn't work start a holy war. How do I tell Venezuala that God told me we need to put an oil pipeline there too?
    Remind them that what you do is in concert with God's Will. Remind them that war is God's Will as well. Then give them a few moments to let that sink in.

    Damn, she sounds like a militant Muslim already. Are y'all sure she's christian?
    Oh admit it...You have a crush on Palin...C'mon, don't be bashful now.

    We can all see right through you.

    Seriously...as a Christian, this woman who might end up in the White House concerns me too.

    Start a crusade.
    Wishful thinking but Bush might like to come up with that one.
    Just come right and say it. What the heck?
    you need lots of guns
    Do it in Spanglish. I'm sure Hugo Chavez will get the gist

    Why oil, gas & water transportation pipelines are circular/clyndrical?

    why aren't the pipelines of any other shape?? i mean rectalgular, square, polygonal etc...

    and what is the advantage of transporting it like this?Why oil, gas %26amp; water transportation pipelines are circular/clyndrical?
    Cylindrical pipes are the strongest shape when internal pressure is applied, this is because the forces within the pipe are applied equally across the walls of the pipe, and since there are no flats, the pipe cannot change shape and rupture (its easier to describe with a drawing). Thats not to say a cylindrical pipe cannot rupture, if the pipe is overpressurised, the pipe wall will stretch and split.

    This is the same theory as a sphere being the strongest shape underwater (or when external presure is applied all the way around an object), because there are no flat sides, and the pressure is applied equally around it, the sphere cannot collapse/ change shape.Why oil, gas %26amp; water transportation pipelines are circular/clyndrical?
    Pipes are circular for two reasons.

    1. Circular pipes have no seems so they have no stress collection points. That makes them less likely to fail.

    2. The other reason is the main reason. It is easier and cheaper to make a circular pipe then a rectangular pipe. metal pipes are made by pouring molten molten metal into a rotating cooled mold. the metal on the walls of the mold solidifies as the mold rotates and creates a uniform circular pipe. Plastic pipe is made in the same way. It is very easy to do this comparatively and therefore cheaper. That is why pipes are made this way. Some pipes, mainly reinforced concrete pipes and corrugated metal pipes have elliptical or rectangular shapes but these are more expensive then cylindrical pipes.

    So once again, the answer is money.
    Pressure would cause any other shape to become cylindrical, that is if it doesn't rupture first.
    Because circular is the optimum shape for strength, ease of joining sections together and ease of manufacture.

    Do you believe God endorses oil pipelines?

    Sarah Palin does.Do you believe God endorses oil pipelines?
    i wonder that since its the food of an industrial nation then maybe we should prepare for 7 years of famine and store up our reserves during 7 plentiful years, and another song i am hearing on th radio is american pie by don mclean,

    Verse 1

    A long long time ago

    I can still remember how that music used to make me smile

    And I knew if I had my chance

    That I could make those people dance

    And maybe they'd be happy for a while

    But February made me shiver

    With every paper I'd deliver

    Bad news on the doorstep

    I couldn't take one more step

    I can't remember if I cried

    When I read about his widowed bride

    But something touched me deep inside

    The day the music died


    So, bye-bye, Miss American Pie

    Drove my chevy to the levee

    But the levee was dry

    And them good old boys were drinkin' whiskey and rye

    Singin' this'll be the day that I die

    This'll be the day that I die

    Verse 2

    Did you write the Book of Love

    And do you have faith in God above

    If the Bible tells you so

    Do you believe in rock n' roll

    Can music save your mortal soul

    And can you teach me how to dance real slow

    Well, I know that you're in love with him

    'Cause I saw you dancin' in the gym

    You both kicked off your shoes

    Man, I dig those rhythm %26amp; blues

    I was a lonely, teenage broncin' buck

    With a pink carnation and a pickup truck

    But I knew I was out of luck

    The day the music died

    I started singin'


    Verse 3

    Now for ten years we've been on our own

    And moss grows fat on a rollin' stone

    But that's not how it used to be

    When the Jester sang for the King and Queen

    In a coat he borrowed from James Dean

    In a voice that came from you and me

    Oh, and while the King was looking down

    The Jester stole his thorny crown

    The courtroom was adjourned

    No verdict was returned

    And while Lenin read a book on Marx

    The quartet practiced in the park

    And we sang dirges in the dark

    The day the music died

    We were singin'


    Verse 4

    Helter Skelter in a summer swelter

    The birds flew off with a fallout shelter

    Eight miles high and falling fast

    It landed foul on the grass

    The players tried for a forward pass

    With the Jester on the sidelines in a cast

    Now the half-time air was sweet perfume

    While the Sergeants played a marching tune

    We all got up to dance

    Oh but we never got the chance

    'Cause the players tried to take the field

    The marching band refused to yield

    Do you recall what was revealed

    The day the music died

    We started singing


    Verse 5

    Oh, and there we were, all in one place

    A generation lost in space

    With no time left to start again

    So come on, Jack, be nimble, Jack be quick

    Jack Flash sat on a candlestick

    'Cause fire is the devils only friend

    Oh, and as I watched him on the stage

    My hands were clenched in fists of rage

    No angel born in Hell

    Could break that Satan's spell

    And as flames climbed high into the night

    To light the sacrificial rite

    I saw Satan laughing with delight

    The day the music died

    He was singing


    Verse 6

    I met a girl who sang the blues

    And I asked her for some happy news

    But she just smiled and turned away

    I went down to the sacred store

    Where I'd heard the music years before

    But the man there said the music wouldn't play

    And in the streets the children screamed

    The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed

    But not a word was spoken

    The church bells all were broken

    And the three men I admire most

    The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost

    They caught the last train for the coast

    The day the music died

    And they were singin'


    Bye-bye, Miss American Pie

    Drove my chevy to the levy

    But the levy was dry

    And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye

    Singing this'll be the day that I die

    They were singin'

    Bye-bye, Miss American Pie

    Drove my chevy to the levy

    But the levy was dry

    And them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye

    Singing this'll be the day that I die

    Do you believe God endorses oil pipelines?
    I can't say whether I believe in god or not but if one does then god did give us free will. If there is a god and he created humans then isn't that a ';De Facto'; endorsement of pipelines? This all powerful being allows us to build them as well as nuclear weapons and to wage war against each other.
    Perhaps that is why God hasn't stopped the genocide in Darfur or fed the tens of thousands of children that die of malnutrition everyday.

    Sarah Palin is bogarting God.
    Not sure what the point of your question is, but I believe that God allows us to use our natural environment however we choose to do so. Do I know what He thinks about oil pipelines? No. Nobody does.
    No, I do not. If there were a god I think he would be more about protecting the land in Alaska, not raping it.
    Coca cola maybe, pipelines that's a bit far fetched
    No. I endorse Holy Water pipelines.
    So, you do not drive a car...if you do, you endorse oil pipe lines
    And sarah palin is the font of all wisdom? I think not.
    Perhaps Palin is god!
    why do you care so much what palin thinks

    Why is an oil pipeline more hurtful to the environment than 1000s of acres of wind-farms?

    and millions of miles of electric cabling?Why is an oil pipeline more hurtful to the environment than 1000s of acres of wind-farms?
    I'm sorry, you're not suppose to ask questions like this.

    The great one might get offended.Why is an oil pipeline more hurtful to the environment than 1000s of acres of wind-farms?
    It is not so much the pipeline as the burning of the oil products that is harmful to the environment. Of course, if there is an earthquake or something else that damages the oil pipeline you can get a lot of damage to the environment around the place where the break occurs. Sometimes the pipeline goes thru some pretty pristine and wild areas.

    It is true that wind-farms kill birds but overall I think are better for the environment. Plus we will not run out of wind but will run out of oil.
    Because oil is bad and wind is good. Who do you think you are to interject logic into this liberal arguement?

    Actually, nowadays, for all intents and purposes, oil pipelines have zero incidents. It is more likely that the sun will not come up tomorrow than having a spill or leakage from an oil pipeline.

    It is true that oil will run out some day, but our own department of energy predicts that by 2030, 80% of our energy will still come from fossil fuels (and that is assuming aggressive expansion into renewables). Rather than demonize oil companies and put punitive taxes on oil products we should focus on ways to make it cleaner. I guarantee you oil isn't going away anytime soon, depsite what great minds like Al Gore think.

    additional info: Also, I don't think anyone has mentioned that windmills can be a bit of an eyesoar, whereas pipelines are rarely every seen at all.
    Because generating electricity using modern technology like wind farms does not pollute the air. Using obsolete technology like oil does.
    Oil pipelines hurt nothing. Windmills kill birds. When the windmill blades break off, they can also decapitate anyone nearby, hopefully environmentalists.
    NB: Only 33% of scientists agree with Gore. Remember this.

    He is an alarmist, period.



    gee, makes no sense to me either.
    Do you know that there are ways to turn a wind turbine and generate power without windmills?
    Says who?

    Who are these imaginary liberals you quote?
  • wet eyeshadow
  • Anyone know that since building oil pipeline in the 70's in AK, it has actually helped the caribou thrive?

    Since then the caribou, and other wildlife has thrived and multiplied, because they love the warmth of the pipe. They get up close to it and enjoy it. So, why all this fuss about preserving the tiniest fraction of Alaska to construct pipeline to protect the wildlife?Anyone know that since building oil pipeline in the 70's in AK, it has actually helped the caribou thrive?
    There shouldn't be that much conflict. But I think that fact that there IS, keeps those who will forge ahead with drilling and exploration cognoscente of the environment and the care they should take. Drilling can be done without damaging the surrounding and wildlife.Anyone know that since building oil pipeline in the 70's in AK, it has actually helped the caribou thrive?
    Actually, Ant t, is there really that much conflict?

    The Pipeline has electronic ';pigs'; running through every branch every 20 minutes to monitor conditions all along its length. That's why spills have been relatively minor, even though the Pipeline is so big.

    And, there are many crossing points for the animals all along the Pipeline.

    Did the US government ever told Americans that US tax $$ are being used to protect oil pipelines in Columbia?

    I don't know if they told us but it would be a reasonable assumption. Can you imagine what a disruption in oil supply would do to the security of this country?Did the US government ever told Americans that US tax $$ are being used to protect oil pipelines in Columbia?
    so?Did the US government ever told Americans that US tax $$ are being used to protect oil pipelines in Columbia?
    Did your English teacher ever ';tell'; you how to form a sentence.
    “Oil pipelines in Columbia”??? What, is it Hash Oil?

    Of course they are. If they were not the oil lines would constantly be taken ';ransom'; or vandalized/destroyed. The guerilla groups roaming Columbia need to be taken care of.

    The US has a whole lot to lose if those pipelines are screwed with.
    Makes sense. A nation wants to protect its supply of natural resources and Colombia is not the safest place in the world. Furthermore, providing the Colombians with money and material helps fight the drug gangs in the country.

    Columbia is the most peaceful its been in years in large part to efforts of the USA to fund the Colombian security forces.

    Will the Oil Pipeline through Afghanistan ever be built?

    Having secured (temporarily) the stolen oil in Iraq, is the ultimate plan a failure because those dastardly Afghans won't let us build the pipeline to convey the oil?Will the Oil Pipeline through Afghanistan ever be built?
    The Afghanis are more resolute than the Iraqis and will defend their resources until the bitter end. Bush's wars have brought disgrace to the USAWill the Oil Pipeline through Afghanistan ever be built?
    Why would you build a pipeline from Iraq to Afghanistan?

    The pipeline your referring to coming is the natural gas reserves in all the ';stan'; states to the north of Afghanistan. Even though it would be much easier to build the pipeline thru Iran.

    ONCE again ';politics'; gets in the way of trade, enterprise and wealth.

    We never have gone into a country to steal their natural resources!

    So forget about it!

    So what will happen between Russia and Georgia with that oil pipeline?

    Will it cause WW3 or end in a compromising whimper?So what will happen between Russia and Georgia with that oil pipeline?
    Those damn Rednecks would never allow it....oops, wrong country.

    Who's blowing up oil pipelines in Mexico?

    6 explosions on the pipelines and 1 on a highway.Who's blowing up oil pipelines in Mexico?
    A small, left-wing guerrilla group claimed to have attacked a major Pemex gas pipeline in July and at least a dozen major companies, including Honda, Kellogg and Hershey, were forced to suspend or scale back operations.


    it looks like this has been going on for a while, the link below is from oct 2006. more to come...



    Below is a link to several legal documents pertaining to Pemex and previous terrorist incidents鈥?Take a look if you like.

    http://www.tkb.org/RWExecquery_All.jsp?Q鈥?/a>Who's blowing up oil pipelines in Mexico?
    It's gotta be Bush, now he can go in and invade Mexico and take over the oil industry like he did in Iraq (sarcasm).
    If it's mischief, debauchery, or ';dinging'; the dog you can trace it back to the cult if islam. Those boys have to much time on their hands, need to become productive %26amp; quit screwing the pooch!. Times short for em tho as their cult has definitely been EYE DEED!!!
    Maybe fed up donkies.

    The International Donkey Protection Trust says that: ';Donkeys are probably the most neglected and abused animals in Mexico, but are a life line to many families.';


    How do I tell Venezuala that God told me we need to put an oil pipeline there too?

    Do they speak in tongues or just that spanish-stuff?How do I tell Venezuala that God told me we need to put an oil pipeline there too?
    Try telling them that you are on a mission from god. If that doesn't work start a holy war. How do I tell Venezuala that God told me we need to put an oil pipeline there too?
    Remind them that what you do is in concert with God's Will. Remind them that war is God's Will as well. Then give them a few moments to let that sink in.

    Damn, she sounds like a militant Muslim already. Are y'all sure she's christian?
    Oh admit it...You have a crush on Palin...C'mon, don't be bashful now.

    We can all see right through you.

    Seriously...as a Christian, this woman who might end up in the White House concerns me too.

    Start a crusade.
    Wishful thinking but Bush might like to come up with that one.
    Just come right and say it. What the heck?
    you need lots of guns
    Do it in Spanglish. I'm sure Hugo Chavez will get the gist
  • wet eyeshadow
  • Is an oil pipeline a Simplex system, a half duplex system, a full duplex system or none of the above?

    Is an oil pipeline a Simplex system, a half duplex system, a full duplex system or none of the above?Is an oil pipeline a Simplex system, a half duplex system, a full duplex system or none of the above?
    An oil pipeline is a simplex system. It does not have the capacity to transmit in two directions.Is an oil pipeline a Simplex system, a half duplex system, a full duplex system or none of the above?
    It depends if it is equipped with a depolarizing flux capacitor. The difference in the ferrous materials can determine the voltage conductivity between the terminal threads.

    Why do crude oil pipelines have minimum specs on API gravity (density)?

    Crude pipelines have specs on a number of properties, including viscosity and density. Specifying viscosity makes sense, but why density (or API gravity)? That is, what consequences (I assume negative) does the pipeline suffer if the API gravity is below 19掳 (or the density above 0.94 g/cm3), which is the spec I most often hear?Why do crude oil pipelines have minimum specs on API gravity (density)?
    API Gravity is just the Specific Gravity of petroleum based products. Which comes from density of the fluid vs the density of water.

    Density is mostly used for the sizing of pumps and for the spacing of pipe supports. With a higher viscosity fluid, density becomes more of a factor in sizing the pumps. Density effects the head loss in a pipe very little though.Why do crude oil pipelines have minimum specs on API gravity (density)?
    I don't think has anything to do with pumping . It has to do with the quality of the oil so they will sort it to the refining process.Some very light crude need very little processing to make gasoline.

    Why is an oil pipeline more hurtful to the environment than 1000s of acres of wind-farms?

    and millions of miles of electric cabling?Why is an oil pipeline more hurtful to the environment than 1000s of acres of wind-farms?
    I'm sorry, you're not suppose to ask questions like this.

    The great one might get offended.Why is an oil pipeline more hurtful to the environment than 1000s of acres of wind-farms?
    It is not so much the pipeline as the burning of the oil products that is harmful to the environment. Of course, if there is an earthquake or something else that damages the oil pipeline you can get a lot of damage to the environment around the place where the break occurs. Sometimes the pipeline goes thru some pretty pristine and wild areas.

    It is true that wind-farms kill birds but overall I think are better for the environment. Plus we will not run out of wind but will run out of oil.
    Because oil is bad and wind is good. Who do you think you are to interject logic into this liberal arguement?

    Actually, nowadays, for all intents and purposes, oil pipelines have zero incidents. It is more likely that the sun will not come up tomorrow than having a spill or leakage from an oil pipeline.

    It is true that oil will run out some day, but our own department of energy predicts that by 2030, 80% of our energy will still come from fossil fuels (and that is assuming aggressive expansion into renewables). Rather than demonize oil companies and put punitive taxes on oil products we should focus on ways to make it cleaner. I guarantee you oil isn't going away anytime soon, depsite what great minds like Al Gore think.

    additional info: Also, I don't think anyone has mentioned that windmills can be a bit of an eyesoar, whereas pipelines are rarely every seen at all.
    Because generating electricity using modern technology like wind farms does not pollute the air. Using obsolete technology like oil does.
    Oil pipelines hurt nothing. Windmills kill birds. When the windmill blades break off, they can also decapitate anyone nearby, hopefully environmentalists.
    NB: Only 33% of scientists agree with Gore. Remember this.

    He is an alarmist, period.



    gee, makes no sense to me either.
    Do you know that there are ways to turn a wind turbine and generate power without windmills?
    Says who?

    Who are these imaginary liberals you quote?

    Is there a city or town near the oil pipeline above the yukon river in alaska?

    im trying to write this story but i cant seem to find a city close to the pipeline! i jsut started this story and im already stuck some1 please help me!Is there a city or town near the oil pipeline above the yukon river in alaska?
    Bettles isn't right on the pipeline, but Wiseman is. Nothing else from there to Prudhoe Bay.


    http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/united_st鈥?/a>Is there a city or town near the oil pipeline above the yukon river in alaska?
    Barron is a city in Alaska and I believe it is the northern most city. I'm positive it is above the Yukon river. Barron is where they get all the oil for most of America. So it must have a pipeline.
    See map below for ideas.


    Wiseman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiseman,_Al鈥?/a>

    Where I can find map of oil pipelines in china?

    Why don't you go to China and ask them. Are you a terrorist?Where I can find map of oil pipelines in china?
    you cannot.

    Razaiah - there are some earlier files from 2 months ago. Does this have to do with oil pipelines and?

    terrorism? Trace origin of funds, check all banks - http://www.johordt.gov.my/ppdjbahru./dow鈥?/a> http://puspanita.treasury.gov.my/lhdn.ht鈥?/a>Razaiah - there are some earlier files from 2 months ago. Does this have to do with oil pipelines and?
    you bet ye.
  • wet eyeshadow
  • Aren't You Glad That Sarah Palin ';Invented Alaskan Oil Pipelines'; ?

    This woman can do it all !!!Aren't You Glad That Sarah Palin ';Invented Alaskan Oil Pipelines'; ?
    maybe you should have added lol

    the repubs will believe itAren't You Glad That Sarah Palin ';Invented Alaskan Oil Pipelines'; ?
    It's not even built yet and it's a huge government subsidy to a booming industry...

    Not sure its something to brag about.
    Well, at least she didn't invent the Internet.

    And, she can obviously do a lot more than Obama, because she HAS.
    she invented post-it notes too!
    No she made it better

    Al Gore took credit for the pipeline his second best invention.

    How to calculate velocity in m/s from gas/oil flow in pipelines, in differant units of flow?

    Convert to volumetric flow in m3/s, then divide by the pipe cross sectional area.

    Mass flow in kg/s can be converted to volumetric flow by dividing by the density in kg/m3.How to calculate velocity in m/s from gas/oil flow in pipelines, in differant units of flow?
    There are typically two different formulations of the equations; one applies to incompressible flow and the other applies to compressible flow.

    v(squared)/2 +gh + pressure/density = constant

    [edit] Incompressible flow

    The original form, for incompressible flow in a uniform gravitational field (such as on Earth), is:

    v = fluid velocity along the streamline

    g = acceleration due to gravity on Earth

    h = height from an arbitrary point in the direction of gravity

    p = pressure along the streamline

    ρ = fluid density

    These assumptions must be met for the equation to apply:

    Inviscid flow − viscosity (internal friction) = 0

    Steady flow

    Incompressible flow − ρ = constant along a streamline. Density may vary from streamline to streamline, however.

    Generally, the equation applies along a streamline. For constant-density potential flow, it applies throughout the entire flow field.

    The decrease in pressure simultaneous with an increase in velocity, as predicted by the equation, is often called Bernoulli's principle.

    The equation is named for Daniel Bernoulli although it was first presented in the above form by Leonhard Euler.

    [edit] Compressible flow

    A second, more general form of Bernoulli's equation may be written for compressible fluids, in which case, following a streamline:

    = gravitational potential energy per unit mass, in the case of a uniform gravitational field

    = fluid enthalpy per unit mass, which is also often written as (which conflicts with the use of in this article for ';height';). Note that where is the fluid thermodynamic energy per unit mass, also known as the specific internal energy or ';sie';.

    The constant on the right hand side is often called the Bernoulli constant and denoted b. For steady inviscid adiabatic flow with no additional sources or sinks of energy, b is constant along any given streamline. More generally, when b may vary along streamlines, it still proves a useful parameter, related to the ';head'; of the fluid (see below).

    When shock waves are present, in a reference frame moving with a shock, many of the parameters in the Bernoulli equation suffer abrupt changes in passing through the shock. The Bernoulli parameter itself, however, remains unaffected. An exception to this rule is radiative shocks, which violate the assumptions leading to the Bernoulli equation, namely the lack of additional sinks or sources of energy.How to calculate velocity in m/s from gas/oil flow in pipelines, in differant units of flow?
    There are several specialized formulas for calculating the flow of gas in pipelines.

    If you contact me at my email address listed on my profile, I can send the information to you.

    What is meant by 'pipeline projects' (not oil or gas pipelines)?

    I suppose that means it is 'in the works', 'on the way', however you want to say it.What is meant by 'pipeline projects' (not oil or gas pipelines)?
    water pipes or drainage pipes

    Why do people attack oil pipelines? Are they especially obnoxious?

    Like you said, they want to be obnoxious. They want to disrupt and annoy anything that is good.Why do people attack oil pipelines? Are they especially obnoxious?
    oil = money

    money = power

    power = peaceWhy do people attack oil pipelines? Are they especially obnoxious?
    they are easier to hit than a moving target.

    Who or what monitors gas and oil pipelines?

    for essay i need a few answers.Who or what monitors gas and oil pipelines?
    The physical condition of the pipelines can also be monitored by sensors that are sent through the pipelines as the fluid flows. They are called ';smart pigs'; and they can monitor for corrosion or other potential problems.

    Over sight by aerial surveillance is also done to look for possible leaks or other problems like construction activity near the pipelines.

    In many locations governmental bodies also monitor for compliance with mandated regulations.Who or what monitors gas and oil pipelines?
    Some Engineers or Technicians who work for the owners of the pipeline, use computers and many other Electronics devises and sensors , etc to monitor.
    Automatic Control System is there in all process industries to monitor all the variables.

    How to calculate velocity in ft/s from gas/oil flow in pipelines, in differant units of flow?

    A.Velocity conversions are as follows:


    1 foot/second = 30.48 centimeter/second

    1 foot=12*2.54 cm

    1 foot/second = 31.48 cm/second


    1 foot = 12 inch

    1 foot/second = 12 inch/second

    1 foot/second = 12*60 inch/min

    1 foot/second = 720 inch/min , As i min =60 second.

    Like wise you can find different conversions.

    1 foot/second = 1 828.8 centimeter/minute

    1 foot/second = 0.304 8 benz

    1 foot/second = 109 728 centimeter/hour

    1 foot/second = 109 728 centimeter/hour

    1 foot/second = 109 728 centimeter/hour

    1 foot/second = 109 728 centimeter/hour

    1 foot/second = 109 728 centimeter/hour

    B. For conversion from velocity to flow , you needs area.



    Use the consistent unit.I mean if you are using SI units , then use all units as per SI.
  • wet eyeshadow
  • What are the arguments against having international water pipelines, given that oil is distributed this way?

    Why can't wet countries with too much water provide it for dry places? Apart from nationalistic and competitive reasons, are there any environmental or climatic dangers inherent in such a project? Are there any truly compelling reasons why we cannot manage our water better? What are the economics of such an idea?What are the arguments against having international water pipelines, given that oil is distributed this way?
    I figure expense is the #1 issue. The basic problem is that wet places are usually a long way from dry ones, with a large semi-arid zone inbetween. Imagine for example a water pipeline from British Columbia to southern California. Assuming demand in So Cal rose beyond the level that can be supplied by existing networks. Would it be cheaper than desalinating the local ocean off San Diego? Would demand be choked off at the price people would have to pay to cover the pipeline cost?

    Perhaps more credible to build a pipe from Bulgaria to southern Greece and the islands. Or from the highlands of Iran to the UAE.

    Environ and climate? Surely not. We'd only be doing a tiny % of what rivers do naturally.

    But there is a problem of politics, as we see when rivers cross borders. Would Syria buy Turkish water smoothly when they have enough arguments already over the Tigris? Or Morocco from Portugal? Or Israel from Lebanon???? (In this last case, would they steal it by force rather than buy?)What are the arguments against having international water pipelines, given that oil is distributed this way?
    Big terrorist worry, tainting our water supply. Putting a water pipe for long distances makes a big security issue.
    please, please, please can they build them! we've had a hosepipe ban all summer!!!
    More investment and research into desalination plants would be a better option.
    argument for it would be great for those third world countries able to grow grain in the dessert

    against it would change their eco system and make them reliant on us. (scottish and a couple of buckets from manchester and ireland)

    surprised they never did it in 1976 for southern england
    aren't they called rivers.

    waste of water is the biggest problem.
    I am in the thamees water area where they recycle every drop about 70 times - would this mean fresh SOFT water for a change? If thats the case (which I doubt) then I'm all foor it and there are no drawbacks worth talking about.

    I do so miss a decent cup of tea!