Friday, December 18, 2009

If Russia sabotages the oil pipeline that runs through Georgia, where will Britain get its oil from

The oil pipeline belongs to Russia and they are not likely to sabotage it as it earns Russia badly needed foreign currency. Oil from the Falklands (if there is enough there to justify the expense of drilling for it) is several years awayIf Russia sabotages the oil pipeline that runs through Georgia, where will Britain get its oil from
Britain has plenty of oil for it's own needs but worldwide supplies will become scarcer.

The end result is that prices will skyrocket.

However oil that is not sold is no good to the Russians either, they depend on it for their own revenue and without it Russia resumes being a poor backward country again.If Russia sabotages the oil pipeline that runs through Georgia, where will Britain get its oil from
The Arab countries, which is why we have to keep them sweet despite their appalling culture and human rights record.

Of more concern is the gas supply we import from Russia. They've got us over a barrel on that one.
apparantly we have loads off shore in northsea but no our government dont think thats too easy as they wont make as much money on the taxes etc etc........
The north sea.Iraq Saudi arabia Kuwait.
Other Importers of oil...

At a subtantial Cost....
Aye and watch the straits of Hormuz Yea, it's start diggin
Olive trees
James Browns Hair.
at a very very high price from the middle east or other such countries

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