Monday, April 26, 2010

How long does it take to oil to travel in the Alaska pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez, Alaska?

Ok, this was a toughie, but I think I got it.

The TAP (trans-Alaskan pipeline) uses two thicknesses of pipe. 0.462'; and 0.562';. The 0.462'; pipe holds 11,366 barrels per mile of pipe, and the 0.562'; holds 11,270. The pipeline has 466 miles of 0.462'; pipe and 334 miles of 0.562'; pipe for a total volume of 9,060,736 barrels.

TAP flowrate varies widely, but has averaged about one million barrels per day in recent years, meaning that the oil in the far end of the pipe takes about nine days to reach the front end, at a speed of about 3.7 mph. At maximum throughput (2.136 Mbbls / day), the trip would take about four days and six hours.How long does it take to oil to travel in the Alaska pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez, Alaska?
A very long time. The pipeline was closed for repairs this week. That's why the price of gas leaped up again.How long does it take to oil to travel in the Alaska pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez, Alaska?
don't know

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