Wednesday, April 28, 2010

If the Iraq War is about Oil why doesn't The USA have a pipeline built yet to the USA?

Why do liberals always insist on lying to prove their point?If the Iraq War is about Oil why doesn't The USA have a pipeline built yet to the USA?
The saudi royal family gave the bush family over 1 billion dollars and the republican party over 8 billion dollars to start this war. This entire operation has been for their benefit, so that they could annex Iraq and turn it into another wahhabi kingdom. Read ';House of Bush, House of Saud'; an excellent book that explains why we are REALLY there and also why bush will NEVER allow anyone to catch or kill bin laden.If the Iraq War is about Oil why doesn't The USA have a pipeline built yet to the USA?
Because those PESKY TERRORISTS, INSURGENTS, OR EVERYDAY IRAQIS are fighting against it. can't figure that for yourself Saddam?
So far they can't even get running water. It will take another 100 years to get the oil flowing.
OK if gas was 97 cents a gallon than it might be obvious it was for oil...Cheney+Halliburton =Scandelous=bush administration=Public corruption+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$= EXPENSIVE OIL........................
What people also don't seem to understand is that we get most of our oil from Canada and Mexico.
1. ';About Oil'; doesn't mean just to take the oil from Iraq.

it means to control the oil in Iraq. , can you imagine how fragile is the world's economics. Oil can control the world.

2.The method used for such distances is ships not piplines,

It's more economical.
My favorite diatribe to write...The Iraq War is NOT about stealing oil…about keeping oil from hitting the open market. The question you have to ask…is what is different about Saddam during the first and second US war in Iraq. Simple, not following OPEC’s demands.

In the first few lesson of a basic economics course, they cover Monopolies and Cartels. Cartels, a group of suppliers, such as OPEC, corner markets by artificially controlling and restraining the supply of any item in demand, such as oil, to drive up prices and profitability. Typically under a free market system, Cartels typically fail due to the cheating element when one member secretly cheating against the group by selling under the table. It only takes one major supplier to cheat to break the Cartel. When this discipline fails with the Cartels, the whole thing falls to the free market system where prices match a natural level of supply and demand.

With that in mind…take a look at Iraq before George W. Bush. A 10 year war with Iran and complete devastating loss to the Americans in Desert Storm has beaten Saddam down. Broke and barely hanging on to power Saddam is bribing every sympathetic UN officials during the “Food for Oil” program. He trying to get sanctions lifted so he can make it to the free market because he is desperate need of money to hang on to power. Plus he is now hates personally the King of Saudi Arabia and the Emir of Kuwait and would love to burst their OPEC bubble. If Saddam makes it to the free market with his oil, he makes a bunch of money and he hurts his rivals, the Kings of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

To preserve OPEC, The King of Saudi Arabia tells George W. Bush that Saddam must go. Bush and the Arabian Kings trumped up charges of WMDs against Saddam along with some other bad stuff, which were probably true. Americans are so mad after 9-11 they don’t care who gets their Azzes kicked. Saddam is removed to preserve the OPEC oil cartel not save us from Saddam blowing us up. No WMDs were found.

Proof is simple. After five years of Saddam’s removal, No Iraqi oil is hitting the world market. The Iraqis are buying oil from the Saudis/Kuwaitis to keep their daily lives going. Americans are paying for the rebuilding of Iraq.

Now if my theory is correct. Who LOST? Bush has spent billions getting close to a trillion of US assets to preserve OPEC. We have lost 3000 or so troops during this process. At home, the US consumers got robbed at the pump and the domestic economy had got strangled due to the high cost of energy. Who WON? All friends of Bush: OPEC Members, Texas Oil Business People, and Military Contractors.

Don’t believe me ask any college economics professor if what I’m saying is plausible. If I’m right, maybe conservatives should start questioning their country’s leadership about their motives. If this is true we all have been cheated, liberals and conservatives alike.
Years ago we had the Alaskan pipeline. Clinton drilled in his neck of the woods temporarily. I believe their wells are deeper. U can't have a pipeline across the Atlantic is is not possible nor financially a possibility. In my opinion, Iraq is location. Oil is problematic. Bad guys want nuclear energy, control of the Gulf and in Africa murdering innocents for land occupation. Oil is one factor of a whole big picture.

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